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Five Element Acupuncture
Initial Session 2 hours 260.00
Succeeding Session 60-90 minutes 140.00
Sliding Scale available upon request
I am interested in and open to trades
Please let me know if you have extended medical coverage that accepts Registered Acupuncturists
Indigenous Focusing Oriented Therapy
In person or phone 60-90 minute session 140.00
Birth & Postpartum Care
Birth 1700.00 - 2800.00 (2 perinatal visits and birth)​
Blessing way 400.00​
In house postpartum care 240.00/4 hour day​
Local perinatal/postpartum care 60.00/hour​​
I am open to trades and payment plans are available
Self Identifying Indigenous birthing folks qualify for the Doulas for Aboriginal Families Grant Program
Low income birthing folks can register with Birthing Families Foundation Grant Program
Workshops and group work
Non Profit Hourly Rate 100.00
Non Profit Day Rate 800.00
Corporate Hourly Rate 170.00
Corporate Day Rate 1280.00
E- transfers, credit card, cash and cheques made out to Jennifer Apedaile are accepted methods of payment with gratitude.
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